Medicaid Eligibility / Verification
Talk to your patients about annual Medicaid eligibility renewal.
They must verify their eligibility to continue their coverage.
As a healthcare professional, your patients look to you for expert advice.
So be sure to remind them that they are required to verify their eligibility every year or they risk losing their Medicaid coverage.
Thanks for all that you do for the health and well-being of your patients.
Let your patients know:
- They should receive a letter a few months before their Medicaid anniversary date with instructions for verifying their eligibility.
- It's very important that they follow through on these instructions or they risk having their coverage canceled.
- If their eligibility is confirmed, they can continue their existing coverage. If they are no longer eligible for Medicaid, they can explore our Marketplace and Medicare options.
Providers are responsible for verifying eligibility every time a member is seen in the office. PCPs should also verify that a member is assigned to them.
Eligibility can be verified through the Recipient Eligibility Verification System (REVS). Providers can accept verification of enrollment in Home State from the REVS system in lieu of the ID card. Check online through our secure provider portal or use our IVR System.