Who is Eligible?
We know you want affordable health coverage you can trust. You need quality care, and coverage for your family. Home State Health helps you get healthy and stay healthy. Our MO HealthNet Managed Care plans offer a full range of benefits for Missourians—children, pregnant women, families—at no cost to members. Find out if you are eligible to join Home State Health today.
Healthcare for Pregnant Moms and Newborn Babies
If you are an eligible pregnant woman you may receive healthcare coverage during and after your pregnancy. Your newborn baby will also be covered. MO HealthNet plans cover the newborn through the first year of life, as long as the child remains in the mother’s home and lives in Missouri.
Are you…
- Applying for or already have a social security number?
- Living in Missouri and planning to stay here?
- A United States citizen or an eligible qualified non-citizen?
- Within family income limits for your household size (see income limits below)?
- Pregnant women whose family income must be less that 196% of the federal poverty level.
- Your family income must be less than the Federal Medicaid income limit.
- The income limit that applies to you will depend on your family size.
- Income limit is $2,570 for a family size of two*.
- Income limit is $3,233 for a family size of three.
- Income limit is $3,896 for a family size of four.
- Income limit is $4,559 for a family size of five.
- Income limit is $5,222 for a family size of six.
(Income limits in effect on April 1, 2014)
If you answered Yes to all of the questions above, and your family meets the income requirements above, you may qualify for MO HealthNet Managed Care. Next, take a look at the benefits, or find out how to enroll.
If you are an eligible pregnant woman you may receive healthcare coverage during and after your pregnancy. Your newborn baby will also be covered. MO HealthNet plans cover the newborn through the first year of life, as long as the child remains in the mother’s home and lives in Missouri.
Are you…
- Applying for or already have a social security number?
- Living in Missouri and planning to stay here?
- A United States citizen or an eligible qualified non-citizen?
- Within family income limits for your household size (see income limits below)?
- Pregnant women whose family income must be less that 196% of the federal poverty level.
- Your family income must be less than the Federal Medicaid income limit.
- The income limit that applies to you will depend on your family size.
- Income limit is $2,570 for a family size of two*.
- Income limit is $3,233 for a family size of three.
- Income limit is $3,896 for a family size of four.
- Income limit is $4,559 for a family size of five.
- Income limit is $5,222 for a family size of six.
(Income limits in effect on April 1, 2014)
If you answered Yes to all of the questions above, and your family meets the income requirements above, you may qualify for MO HealthNet Managed Care. Next, take a look at the benefits, or find out how to enroll.
Find out if your child might qualify for MO HealthNet Managed Care through Home State Health.
Who Is Eligible
A Child:
- who is under 19 years old?
- who applies for or already has a social security number?
- who lives in Missouri and planning to stay here?
- who is a United States citizen or an eligible qualified non-citizen?
- the parent must cooperate with Child Support Enforcement (CSE) in the pursuit of medical support; and
- whose countable family income meets the income guidelines below:
- If your monthly income is between $1,907 and $6,978 you may be able to get MO HealthNet Managed Care for children
- This will depend on the child’s age, family size and monthly income. Check the charts to find out if the child is eligible
If you answered Yes to all of the questions above, your child may qualify for MO HealthNet Managed Care. Next, take a look at the benefits, or find out how to enroll.
Approval Date: April 18, 2012
Approval Code: HSHP187